
国際海洋生物研究所報告 No.2,1991 (IBI REPORTS No.2,1991)

一人置いてロバート・L・ブラウネル、一人置いて大隅清治 (敬称略)

平口哲夫 1991 東アジアにおける鯨類の考古学的研究 IBI REPORTS 2 79-87
平口哲夫 1992 古代捕鯨の現代的意義 IBI REPORTS 3 63-69
平口哲夫 1993 古代捕鯨の多様性 IBI REPORTS 4 49-56
平口哲夫 1995 日欧における捕鯨の起源 IBI REPORTS 5 65-74
平口哲夫 1996 原始捕鯨における分配習慣 IBI REPORTS 6 63-72
平口哲夫 1997 鯨類観の多様性に関する民族学的研究 IBI REPORTS 7 147-155
平口哲夫 1999 『史記』始皇帝本紀に記された「巨魚」についての民族考古学的考察 (PDF,別刷を複写) IBI REPORTS 9 15-27

IBI REPORTS are published by International Marine Biological Research Institute, Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. My papers in IBI REPORTS are written in Japanese with English abstract. You can see the abstract by click on the following title.

Hiraguchi, T., 1991, Archaeological studies of cetacean in East Asia. IBI REPORTS, 2:79-87.

Hiraguchi, T., 1992, Present significance of ancient whaling. IBI REPORTS, 3:63-69.

Hiraguchi, T., 1993, The variety of ancient whaling. IBI REPORTS, 4:49-56.

Hiraguchi, T., 1995, The origins of whaling in Japan and Europe. IBI REPORTS, 5:65-74.

Hiraguchi, T., 1996, A custom of sharing in early whaling. IBI REPORTS, 6:63-72.

Hiraguchi, T., 1997, An ethno-archaeological study of views regarding cetacean. IBI REPORTS, 7:147-155.

Hiraguchi, T., 1999, An ethno-archaeological perspective on a "giant fish" in the history of Qin Dynasty written by Sima Qian of the Western Han. IBI REPORTS, 9:15-20

KHPL  Publications By Hiraguchi, Tetsuo